In India a very common perception about rice is that it increases the risk of gaining weight. Hence, people either give up rice (even if they love to eat rice a lot) or they replace it with wheat/brown rice. If you take an example of Chinese, average of them are slim even though they include rice in all the meals of a day.
How rice contributes to your health with its benefits?
Rice is a rich package of amino acids (protein’s building blocks) and Vitamin B, so replacing it with any other food (wheat or brown rice) means minimizing the intake of these important nutrients. Brown rice has its outer layer (husk & bran) intact thereby prepared with high fibre. Your body needs fibre but if you get it more than your digestive power (as high fibre find in brown rice), it will only cause indigestion to you. The extremely polished rice that gives you extreme whiteness is actually not a good source of nutrients.
The rice should be polished to that extent where the nutrients (vitamin B, Proteins & fibres) of it will remains and it looks brownish/reddish. The outer bran of rice can be removed but brown/red stains of it should be allowed to retain as it is. You will not be compromising with the taste by doing so. You can have basmati rice also with the brown/red stains without compromising with the taste.
The protein contents of this rice will be easily absorbed by your body as compared to brown rice. It also gets digested easily as compared to brown rice. Ayurveda utilizes most of rice based diet to treat numerous imbalances in our body. Dal & Rice is the best and traditional Indian meal which is excellent source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The amino acids present in rice helps in burning fat from the liver. As more than 50% Indians are vegetarians, hence they should definitely add rice in their diet to fulfill the requirement of protein for their body.
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