Arthritis is a very common health issue that is related to joint pains of our body. Arthritis can be in one or more than one joints of our body such as knees, elbow, waist etc. Arthritis can cause tremendous pain in the affected area. The natural herbs are one of the best ways to treat arthritis. If any of your acquaint is having arthritis then you can recommend him/her these natural herbs.
The best natural herbs & home remedies to fight against arthritis
v Garlic
Garlic is a great source of calcium & phosphorous that helps to repair the breakdowns of bone issues. Garlic has positive effects on joint pain.
You can consume 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic fruit. It is an excellent remedy to fight against arthritis.
v Erada
Erada is sweet, heavy, and oily in nature, hence it helps in regulating vata dosh (humor). It also helps in decreasing the pain & swelling of joints in our body. Erada is quite effective on constipated bowels & helps in the proper functioning of liver.
Make powder of the roots of Erada and have 3-5 gms. You will feel the difference within few days of its use.
v Punarnava
Punarnava minimizes inflammation and shows positive effects on arthritis. The carminative activity of punarnava helps in alleviating toxins due to indigestion and provides relief from constipation. It improves the metabolic system of our body and helps in detoxifying the liver.
You can consume 2-3 gms of root powder OR 2-3 gms seed powder OR 2-4 gms whole plant powder OR 5-10 ml root juice to get effective results on arthritis.
v Rasna
Rasna is antipyretic, analgesic and laxative in nature. It helps in the inflammation of arthritis and shows good effects on neural system. Rasna improves the digestive system of our body.
Rasna can be consumed by arthritis patients in the form 2-4 gms of the powder of its dried rhizomes OR 10-20 ml juice of fresh rhizomes.
v Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is another excellent remedy to treat with arthritis. The hot potency & madhur vipak of Ashwagandha regulates vata dosh. It works on minimizing the pain and also helps in the inflammation of arthritis. Ashwagandha is very effective on our body especially to the vata areas such as joints, muscles, nerves, ligaments etc.
Make powder of the roots of Erada and have 3-5 gms and observe the difference within few days.
v Hadjod
Hadjod increases strength of cartilage & ligaments and also nurture asthi dhatu. It’s a very good source of Calcium Oxalate that helps in the regeneration of bone issues.
Hadjod can be consumed in the form of powder of its dried seeds & leaves. You can have 3-5 gms of this powder to see positive results.
v Haridra
Vata dosh is the primary cause of arthritis. Haridra helps in balancing the vata dosh due to its antiseptic properties. The 2 active chemical (Curcumin & Curcuminioids) present in haridra makes it excellent remedy in minimizing the pain.
Haridra can be consumed in powdered form of 2-4 gms. Of dried rhizome OR 10-20 ml of fresh rhizome.
v Bala
Bala is a pack of vata balancing properties and gives strength to our body. Bala is a rasayan herb and repairs the breakdowns of joints to aggravation of vata. It helps in relieving the pain and inflammation of joints. Bala is a very good remedy for proper functioning of nervous system.
You can consume 3-5 gms root powder/whole plant powder OR 10-20 ml juice of whole plant OR 2-4 gms of seeds powder. It has positive effects on arthritis.
v Guggul
Guggul is sweet, sharp, pungent, bitter, unctuous and astringent in nature that helps in regulating the vata dosh. It can be used for external as well as internal purpose. Guggul is an excellent analgesic & anti-inflammatory in its properties. The hot potency of guggul helps in proper regulation of metabolic system.
Guggul can be consumed 500 mg-1 gm in purified & dried form. It will show positive results to arthritis patients within few days of its use.
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