Thursday, 21 July 2016

How to Treat Frizzy Hair & Split Ends with Home Remedies?

Every woman wants to have silky smooth hair. Our hair is build up with 3 layers & many cells. When our hair does not get enough of moisture then it gets dry which makes our hair to look like dull & frizzy. Anyone at any age can be affected by dry hair. Damaged & dull hair happens when it does not get proper nutrition. Split ends happen due to excessive heat & mechanical stress. 

What causes split ends?

· Improper nutrition
· Usage of excessive styling products such as gel, sprays etc.
· Excessive use of styling tools such as blow dryers, hot combs etc.
· Very frequent hair wash
· Excessive use of chemical treatments
· Avoidance of regular trimming
· Usage of hot water

How to treat frizzy hair & split ends with home remedies?

Ø Egg Mask for repairs

Egg is one of the top level home remedy for hair treatment. Eggs
are rich source of vitamin D, E, K, B6 & A, Collagen, calcium, folate, phosphorous & selenium. Eggs also contain proteins that protect our bones. Eggs provide strength to hair follicles because our hair is mainly made up of protein. Eggs proteins make the hair smoother, minimize tangles & increases resistance to damage. 

Mix 1 tsp of almond oil with an egg yolk. Now apply this mixture to your hair & leave for half-an-hour. After 30 minutes wash your hair with cold water.

Ø Coconut Oil massage

Coconut oil is a traditional home remedy for dry hair. Coconut oil 
is a great source of saturated fats, proteins, caprylic acid & vitamin E. Coconut oil destroy excessive dead skin & also get away the substances that have blocked the pores of your hair. Coconut oil promotes hair growth and also contributes to treat breakage & split ends.
Apply coconut oil to your scalp & be it like that for half-an-hour. After that shampoo your hair with cold water.

Ø Avocado for damaged hair

One of the most popular hair masks for frizzy hair is an avocado based hair mask. Avocado contains vitamin E that is a very good
remedy to treat frizzy hair & also protects your hair from oxidizing. Avocado contains Omega-3-Fatty-Acids that help in treating frizzy & damaged hair. Omega-3-fatty-acids not only are good home remedy for hair but also minimize the risk of heart attack & improves your brain as well. 

Take an avocado & mash it. Now mix few drops of olive oil with this mashed avocado and apply throughout your hair. Leave it for half-an-hour & then wash your hair with cold water. 

Ø Bananas based hair pack

Banana based hair pack is a very good home remedy to treat split 
ends. Banana is a rich source of vitamin A, C & E, natural oils, carbohydrates, zinc & iron that helps in repairing the cuticles of hair. Banana helps in improving the natural elasticity of hair & prevents split ends. Banana makes your hair shinier & also improves the growth. Apart from hair maintenance, banana also protects us against kidney cancer, diabetes, low blood pressure, osteoporosis & depression etc. 

Take one banana & mash it. Now mix this mashed banana with 3 tbsp of yogurt, few drops of rose water & 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply this mixture throughout your hair & leave it for 1 hour. After 1 hour wash your hair with cold water.

Ø Apple Cider Vinegar

It is one of the most popular home remedy to manage frizzy hair. Apple Cider Vinegar is made up of apple or cider that is enriched
with potassium & acetic acid. The acid present in vinegar helps to repair frizzy & damaged hair. It also kills various bacteria. Apple cider vinegar prevents us from cancer, diabetes & low blood pressure as well.

Just add apple cider vinegar to equal amount of water and apply it to your hair after shampoo. Be it like that for about 15 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water. 

Ø Honey as a hair conditioner

Honey is a very good remedy to manage dry hair. Honey is enriched with antioxidants that transfer electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent & they can prevent the cell from breakdowns. Honey plays a vital role of natural moisturizer & hair conditioner that makes your hair more soft & shiny. Eggs also improves the immune system of our body & effectively treat all the health issues.

Mix 2 tbsp of honey with 4 cups of warm water. Apply it to your hair & leave for 30 minutes then shampoo your hair.

Ø Aloe-Vera based hair mask

Aloe-vera is very good for hair. Aloe-vera is best known for its anti-
inflammatory quality that helps in minimizing itchiness of scalp, dandruff & provides deep conditioning to hair by removing excessive oil from the scalp & hair strands. Aloe-vera based hair mask improves pH balance of your scalp & also promote hair growth. It also treats the hair loss problem.

Apply aloe-vera oil to your hair throughout & leave it like that for about 30 minutes. Now shampoo your hair with cold water. 

Ø Beer for dry hair

Beer is a good treatment for dry hair & also works as a natural 
conditioner. Beer has various nourishing nutrients, vitamins & minerals that work wonder as hair remedy. It promotes hair growth. You can use beer directly as a rinse after shampoo or you can also mix it with hair mask.

Take a beer & keep it for 1 hour after opening. Massage your hair for about 15 minutes after you shampoo your hair. After that wash your hair with cold water.

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