Wednesday, 6 July 2016

How to prevent obesity in kids- Few simple tips for parents

Maintaining proper balance is very important for your kids to achieve accurate body weight. The balance should be maintained in the calorie intakes of your kid with the calories utilized through physical activities & normal growth.

The overweight kids should minimize their rate of gaining weight while permitting normal growth & development. It does not mean that you put your kid on weight-decreasing diet, it can harm your kid. However if you want to do this, it is advised to consult a health care provider first. There are few tips given below for parent that will help them to prevent obesity in kids.

How to prevent obesity in kids- Few simple tips for parents

Maintain balance in calories- help in developing the food habits 

As we have discussed above that proper balance in calories intake & utilized plays vital role in your kid’s growth & development, so you need to improve the dietary habits of your kid. Offer him/her healthy food & snacks with an appropriate count of calories. You can do some modifications in their favorite recipe to make them healthier by reducing calorie-rich fascinations. This is an excellent step towards preventing obesity in kids.

· Motivate healthy food habits- allow small modifications

ü Add some veggies, fruits & whole grain products.

ü Add low-fat, non-fat milk or dairy products.

ü Put limitations on the consumption of extra sugar-added beverages, sugar, sodium & saturated fat.

ü Includes lean meats, fishes, lentils, poultry & beans for protein nutrients.

ü Motivate all your family members to drink lot of water.

ü Serve your kid reasonable sized portions.

· Make favorite recipes healthier

You can improvise some of your kid’s favorite dishes to make it healthier by allowing few changes. You can also try to make some new heart-healthy dishes that might be added into his/her favorite list.

· Omit calorie-rich fascinations

Often treats sounds good but there should be a limit for intake of high-fat, high-sugar and salty snacks. There are few easy to prepare tips that will develop the dietary habits of your kid. These are low-fat & low-sugar treats that will help to prevent obesity in kids.

ü 1 cup blueberries

ü A medium sized apple

ü 1 cup grapes

ü A medium sized banana.

ü 1 cup carrot, broccoli or bell peppers with 2 tsp. hummus

· Make your kid understand the benefit of being physically active

ü Reducing blood pressure

ü Enhancing self-esteem

ü Strengthening bones

ü Minimizing stress & anxiety

ü Helps in weight management

· Helps your kid to be active

Kids should involve in moderate-intensity physical activities everyday minimum for 1 hour. In this attempt you have to help your kid to fight against obesity. You start including physical activities in your daily routine and also motivate your kid to be a part of it. Some of the moderate-intensity physical activities are as follows that are helpful for obesity in kids. 

ü Playing tag

ü Playing soccer

ü Dancing

ü Brisk walking

ü Jumping rope

ü Swimming

· Minimize screen time

You also need to limit the time your kid spend on TV, video games, Computer etc. for not exceeding 2 hours. Instead of that, motivate your kid to get involved into fun activities with their family.

Maintain appropriate body weight

Maintaining appropriate body weight is very important for kid to stay healthy & fit. Obesity in kids is the gateway to many health issues. Obesity invites various diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression etc. Hence it is very important that you help your kid to maintain proper weight to be active and healthy always.

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