Tuesday, 26 July 2016

What are the symptoms of Dehydration?

When our body uses or loses much fluid than our intake & our body does not have enough water & other fluid to perform normal functions & activities then this situation is known as Dehydration. If we do not replace lost fluid of our body then we will get dehydrated. The important thing is to identify the symptoms of dehydration to get proper treatment. The symptoms of dehydration have been listed below.

Moderate symptoms of Dehydration

· Starts feeling dry & sticky mouth. 
· Starts feeling sleepy or tired all the time, especially kids become less active in their daily activities. 
· Starts feeling thirsty. 
· Urine output start decreasing. 
· In case of infants no wet diapers for 3 hours. 
· Starts feeling headache. 
· During crying very few or no tears. 
· Starts feeling dry skin. 
· Sometimes feel dizziness. 
· May also suffer from constipation. 

Severe symptoms of Dehydration

· Feel extremely thirsty. 
· Feel extremely sleepy in case of infants and feel irritability in case of adults. 
· Feel extremely dry mouth, skin & mucous membranes. 
· Very little or no urine output and if any urine output that will be darker than usual. 
· Feel sunken eyes all the time. 
· Skin becomes dry without any elasticity and does not “bounce back” when pinched. 
· Suffer from low blood pressure. 
· Heart beat become very rapid. 
· Starts breathing very rapidly. 
· While crying no tears output. 
· May also feel fever sometimes. 
· Sometimes in most severe cases, unconsciousness. 

However, feeling extremely thirsty is not a strong symptom of dehydration. One of the better symptoms of dehydration is to observe the color of urine. The usual color of urine is clear or light colored but when it becomes dark yellow or amber color then it is an indication of dehydration.

When to go to a doctor? 

In case of adults, moderate dehydration can be treated by drinking more fluid such as water or sports drink. In severe symptoms such as extreme thirst, lack of urination, dizziness etc. you should immediately go to a doctor.

Where as in case of kids & older adults, you need to take it seriously and consult a doctor without wasting time. If you observe these symptoms then call the doctor immediately-

· When feel severe diarrhea, may be with or without vomiting & fever. 
· When observe bloody or black stool. 
· When has had moderate diarrhea for 24 hours or more. 
· When feels extremely sleepy or tired. 

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Useful fitness tips for busy moms

Most of the moms think that running behind their kids is also a kind of exercise but that’s not true. Moms have a busy schedule all day long, whether she is working or homemaker. Exercise is very important for them to stay fit and perform everyday tasks actively. Here are some useful fitness tips for busy moms given below that you should follow on daily basis.

Useful fitness tips for busy moms

· Manage some time for workout

Manage some time from your busy schedule, like you manage for cooking, for PTA meeting, for laundry etc. Everyday workout is very important for moms, even if you have a jam-packed schedule all the day along. Manage at least 45 minutes from your busy schedule for workout either early morning or in the evening (as & when it suits to you).

· Involve you children

Let your kids also join you for workout. In this way you will be able to spend some quality time with your kids & they will also be encouraged to be physically fit. Yoga is a very good form of workout to involve your toddlers, whereas elder kids will enjoy dance-based exercise or aerobics. 

· Eat like moms

Moms are 24 hours busy person performing multitasks, hence they need to add such kind of food that will fuel & replenish their body. Add lean protein, complex carbohydrates, avoid excessive sugar, carbonated drinks & processed food in your daily food habits.

· Daily dietary chart for a mom

ü At 9 am
Eat 3 egg whites along with 2 slices of toasted brown breads and drink a glass of milk without sugar.

ü At 1 pm
Have a bowl of sliced papaya

ü At 3 pm
Have a bowl of fresh & healthy sprouts.

ü At 5 pm
Eat 1 chapati with dal & fibrous salad.

ü At 7 pm 
Have vegetable soup (for vegetarians) OR chicken soup (for non-vegetarian) and a bowl of brown rice with raita.

However, it is advised to consult a dietitian or a doctor before you start following this diet chart in your daily routine.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

How to Treat Frizzy Hair & Split Ends with Home Remedies?

Every woman wants to have silky smooth hair. Our hair is build up with 3 layers & many cells. When our hair does not get enough of moisture then it gets dry which makes our hair to look like dull & frizzy. Anyone at any age can be affected by dry hair. Damaged & dull hair happens when it does not get proper nutrition. Split ends happen due to excessive heat & mechanical stress. 

What causes split ends?

· Improper nutrition
· Usage of excessive styling products such as gel, sprays etc.
· Excessive use of styling tools such as blow dryers, hot combs etc.
· Very frequent hair wash
· Excessive use of chemical treatments
· Avoidance of regular trimming
· Usage of hot water

How to treat frizzy hair & split ends with home remedies?

Ø Egg Mask for repairs

Egg is one of the top level home remedy for hair treatment. Eggs
are rich source of vitamin D, E, K, B6 & A, Collagen, calcium, folate, phosphorous & selenium. Eggs also contain proteins that protect our bones. Eggs provide strength to hair follicles because our hair is mainly made up of protein. Eggs proteins make the hair smoother, minimize tangles & increases resistance to damage. 

Mix 1 tsp of almond oil with an egg yolk. Now apply this mixture to your hair & leave for half-an-hour. After 30 minutes wash your hair with cold water.

Ø Coconut Oil massage

Coconut oil is a traditional home remedy for dry hair. Coconut oil 
is a great source of saturated fats, proteins, caprylic acid & vitamin E. Coconut oil destroy excessive dead skin & also get away the substances that have blocked the pores of your hair. Coconut oil promotes hair growth and also contributes to treat breakage & split ends.
Apply coconut oil to your scalp & be it like that for half-an-hour. After that shampoo your hair with cold water.

Ø Avocado for damaged hair

One of the most popular hair masks for frizzy hair is an avocado based hair mask. Avocado contains vitamin E that is a very good
remedy to treat frizzy hair & also protects your hair from oxidizing. Avocado contains Omega-3-Fatty-Acids that help in treating frizzy & damaged hair. Omega-3-fatty-acids not only are good home remedy for hair but also minimize the risk of heart attack & improves your brain as well. 

Take an avocado & mash it. Now mix few drops of olive oil with this mashed avocado and apply throughout your hair. Leave it for half-an-hour & then wash your hair with cold water. 

Ø Bananas based hair pack

Banana based hair pack is a very good home remedy to treat split 
ends. Banana is a rich source of vitamin A, C & E, natural oils, carbohydrates, zinc & iron that helps in repairing the cuticles of hair. Banana helps in improving the natural elasticity of hair & prevents split ends. Banana makes your hair shinier & also improves the growth. Apart from hair maintenance, banana also protects us against kidney cancer, diabetes, low blood pressure, osteoporosis & depression etc. 

Take one banana & mash it. Now mix this mashed banana with 3 tbsp of yogurt, few drops of rose water & 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply this mixture throughout your hair & leave it for 1 hour. After 1 hour wash your hair with cold water.

Ø Apple Cider Vinegar

It is one of the most popular home remedy to manage frizzy hair. Apple Cider Vinegar is made up of apple or cider that is enriched
with potassium & acetic acid. The acid present in vinegar helps to repair frizzy & damaged hair. It also kills various bacteria. Apple cider vinegar prevents us from cancer, diabetes & low blood pressure as well.

Just add apple cider vinegar to equal amount of water and apply it to your hair after shampoo. Be it like that for about 15 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water. 

Ø Honey as a hair conditioner

Honey is a very good remedy to manage dry hair. Honey is enriched with antioxidants that transfer electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent & they can prevent the cell from breakdowns. Honey plays a vital role of natural moisturizer & hair conditioner that makes your hair more soft & shiny. Eggs also improves the immune system of our body & effectively treat all the health issues.

Mix 2 tbsp of honey with 4 cups of warm water. Apply it to your hair & leave for 30 minutes then shampoo your hair.

Ø Aloe-Vera based hair mask

Aloe-vera is very good for hair. Aloe-vera is best known for its anti-
inflammatory quality that helps in minimizing itchiness of scalp, dandruff & provides deep conditioning to hair by removing excessive oil from the scalp & hair strands. Aloe-vera based hair mask improves pH balance of your scalp & also promote hair growth. It also treats the hair loss problem.

Apply aloe-vera oil to your hair throughout & leave it like that for about 30 minutes. Now shampoo your hair with cold water. 

Ø Beer for dry hair

Beer is a good treatment for dry hair & also works as a natural 
conditioner. Beer has various nourishing nutrients, vitamins & minerals that work wonder as hair remedy. It promotes hair growth. You can use beer directly as a rinse after shampoo or you can also mix it with hair mask.

Take a beer & keep it for 1 hour after opening. Massage your hair for about 15 minutes after you shampoo your hair. After that wash your hair with cold water.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Natural ways to improve the immunity power

Healthy & strong immunity power keeps us away from diseases such as allergies. Immunity power is like a security system for our body that protects us from many types of illness. The immune system of our body fights with numerous toxins, pollution, germs, viruses, bacteria etc. on daily basis. The first step towards maintaining strong immunity power is to adapt healthy dietary habits. Dietary habits plays important role in building up strong immunity power. Let’s have a look at the foods that are healthy enough to boost our immunity power. 

Natural ways to improve the immunity power

· Healthy herbal tea

According to some surveys tea & coffee is good for health. Tea contains poly-phenols that increase the antibacterial activities in our body. Green tea is a good source of poly-phenol & many other antioxidants. This improves the immunity power in our body. Tulsi is an excellent herbal tea that contains antioxidants. Herbal teas help in increasing the immunity power of our body to fight against diseases. 

· Cruciferous veggies to get Sulforaphane

Cruciferous veggies are good source of Vitamin A, C & E which have phytochemicals that fight against diseases. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts comes under cruciferous veggies. Many dieticians recommend cruciferous veggies to add in regular food habit because it contains very important components i.e. fiber & minerals. These cruciferous veggies contain “Sulforaphane” that is a vital nutrient for our body. Sulforaphane increases the ability of liver. It also removes & detoxifies all the carcinogens from the body that can damages the cells of our body.  

· Fresh fruits to get minerals & vitamins

Everyone of us knows that fruits are the great sources of vitamins & minerals. Fruits that contain higher antioxidants will boost our immunity power. Citrus fruits are the best to improve the immunity power of our body. Citrus fruits are the powerhouse of vitamin C which generates disease-fighting antibodies. These antibodies protect us from the entry of various viruses into our body. 

Kiwi is one of the best examples of citrus fruit that increases the immunity power of our body. Add kiwi to your regular diet to get the maximum benefit of it. Apart from kiwi, oranges, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, guava etc. are the citrus fruits that are enriched with vitamin C & antioxidants to improve the immune system of our body.

· Healthy nuts to get immunity power

Everyone loves to eat nuts whether he is a kid or an adult. Nuts are the low saturated fat & enriched with protein, fibre & phytochemicals. Nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E & selenium that contribute to a great extent to build strong immune system. Regular consumption of nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios helps in reducing the cholesterol level & increase immunity power. 

· Seeds to get Omega 3 Fats

Seeds like sesame, pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower etc. contains good amount of omega-3 fats. These seeds help our body to fight against autoimmune diseases such as asthma & rheumatoid arthritis. Seeds are also a good source of zinc that is a very important component to fight against diseases. Seeds are the power-packet of various vital minerals & vitamins. One can have seeds in raw condition or can also be cooked or baked. 

· Pumpkins & Root Crops

Vitamin A is one of the most necessary nutrients for us. Vitamin A keeps our eye healthy & also improves the growth of bones. Vitamin A also plays an important role as an antioxidant & boosts our immunity power. Root crops such as sweet potato, beet, carrot, spinach etc. are good sources of vitamin A & many other important nutrients. 

· Fatty fish to get Selenium

This diet is a complete package of selenium & omega-3 fatty acids. Trout, Salmon & Mackerel are a kind of fatty acids. More amount of selenium helps in the reduction of cancer, whereas omega-3 fatty acids increases the activity of phagocytes (cells) & also consume bacteria to fight against flu. According to a survey, the pregnant women who eat much of fatty fish can build up a good immunity power in their baby. This will also minimize the risks of allergies. 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

What are the home remedies to treat piles naturally?

Piles are also known as hemorrhoids. These are the large painful veins in rectum that occurs when these veins get swollen & inflamed. Piles get created when the extreme pressure is given to the internal & external veins around the anus. Piles can be external or internal. People who are suffering from piles have to go through extreme pain. Piles can be serious depending on the severity of its condition. The complications related to piles can be worst if suffering from a long period of time.

Common factors that causes piles

· Aging

· Low fiber diet

· Hereditary

· Pregnancy

· Chronic constipation

· Anal intercourse

What are the home remedies to treat piles naturally?

· Black cumin seeds to minimizes piles pain

Black cumin seeds are very good for people having piles. You just need to take 1 tbsp of black cumin seeds (also known as shah jeera in Hindi) and roast it. Now you have to mix this roasted black cumin seeds with 1 tbsp of unroasted black cumin seeds & make a power of it. Take ½ tsp of this powder with a glass of water one time in a day. 

· Radish juice improves digestive system

Radish juice is very good for health, especially for people with piles. It helps in improving the digestive system when taken in the morning and night. You can begin with ¼ cup of radish juice and slowly increases it up to ½ cup within a period of 1 month. Local application of the paste of radish mixed with honey helps in reducing the piles pain. 

· Figs to treat piles

Figs are a great ayurvedic home remedy for piles. Take 3-4 figs, wash them and soak in a glass of water for whole night. Next day morning eat the soaked figs in an empty stomach. Repeat the same process in the night again.

· Ripe banana gives relieve from piles pain

Ripe banana helps in relieving the piles pain. Boil a ripe banana with a cup of milk and mash it well. Now have this mixture at least 2-3 times in a day, it works wonder in reducing the pain associated with piles.

· Bitter gourd juice as a effective home remedy for piles

Extract the juice of bitter gourd leaves by crushing them. Now mix 3 tsp of this juice with a glass of buttermilk and have it in the morning in an empty stomach. Try this home remedy for one month and observe the difference.

· Buttermilk, great remedy for piles

Mix ¼ carom seeds powder (also known as ajwain in Hindi) and a pinch of salt with a glass of buttermilk. Drink this mixture in your everyday diet. It is a very effective home remedy for people suffering from piles.

Friday, 15 July 2016

What are the symptoms & complications related to piles?

There are many people who suffer from piles, it can be of various size. Piles can be internal or external. The internal piles are quite common to occur. In most of the cases, piles can be treated with some medicines, intake of good fluid and also by having fiber rich food. In some critical cases, the piles have to be removed through surgery.

What are the symptoms of piles?

· The patient may feel hard lump around the anus. These lumps will consist of coagulated blood, known as thrombosed external hemorrhoid/piles. This can be very painful.

· The patient may feel that the bowels are still full when he/she goes to toilet.

· Bright red blood may start flowing after bowel movement.

· The patient may also feel itchiness around the anus.

· The mucus may start discharging when the bowel is empty.

· He/she may also feel pain while defecating.

· The area around anus may become red & having sores.

What makes piles to occur?

The blood vessels around the anus & rectum will stretch under pressure & may create swelling or bulges. Piles may develop when pressure enhances in the lower rectum. This may happened because of-

· Due to chronic constipation

· Due to chronic diarrhea

· Due to lifting heavy weights

· During pregnancy

· Due to straining when passing stool

The piles may also be developed due to inheritance. The risk of developing piles may increases with the age. 

What are the complications related to piles?

· Anemia- In some cases piles may cause long-term loss of blood. Long-term blood loss may lead to anemia in future.

· Stangulated piles- In this, the blood flow to internal piles is cut off that causes severe pain. In some severe cases this may also cause death of tissues.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

The best natural herbs & home remedies to fight against arthritis

Arthritis is a very common health issue that is related to joint pains of our body. Arthritis can be in one or more than one joints of our body such as knees, elbow, waist etc. Arthritis can cause tremendous pain in the affected area. The natural herbs are one of the best ways to treat arthritis. If any of your acquaint is having arthritis then you can recommend him/her these natural herbs.

The best natural herbs & home remedies to fight against arthritis

v Garlic

Garlic is a great source of calcium & phosphorous that helps to repair the breakdowns of bone issues. Garlic has positive effects on joint pain.

You can consume 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic fruit. It is an excellent remedy to fight against arthritis.

v Erada

Erada is sweet, heavy, and oily in nature, hence it helps in regulating vata dosh (humor). It also helps in decreasing the pain & swelling of joints in our body. Erada is quite effective on constipated bowels & helps in the proper functioning of liver.

Make powder of the roots of Erada and have 3-5 gms. You will feel the difference within few days of its use.

v Punarnava

Punarnava minimizes inflammation and shows positive effects on arthritis. The carminative activity of punarnava helps in alleviating toxins due to indigestion and provides relief from constipation. It improves the metabolic system of our body and helps in detoxifying the liver.

You can consume 2-3 gms of root powder OR 2-3 gms seed powder OR 2-4 gms whole plant powder OR 5-10 ml root juice to get effective results on arthritis.

v Rasna

Rasna is antipyretic, analgesic and laxative in nature. It helps in the inflammation of arthritis and shows good effects on neural system. Rasna improves the digestive system of our body.

Rasna can be consumed by arthritis patients in the form 2-4 gms of the powder of its dried rhizomes OR 10-20 ml juice of fresh rhizomes. 

v Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is another excellent remedy to treat with arthritis. The hot potency & madhur vipak of Ashwagandha regulates vata dosh. It works on minimizing the pain and also helps in the inflammation of arthritis. Ashwagandha is very effective on our body especially to the vata areas such as joints, muscles, nerves, ligaments etc. 

Make powder of the roots of Erada and have 3-5 gms and observe the difference within few days.

v Hadjod

Hadjod increases strength of cartilage & ligaments and also nurture asthi dhatu. It’s a very good source of Calcium Oxalate that helps in the regeneration of bone issues.

Hadjod can be consumed in the form of powder of its dried seeds & leaves. You can have 3-5 gms of this powder to see positive results. 

v Haridra

Vata dosh is the primary cause of arthritis. Haridra helps in balancing the vata dosh due to its antiseptic properties. The 2 active chemical (Curcumin & Curcuminioids) present in haridra makes it excellent remedy in minimizing the pain.

Haridra can be consumed in powdered form of 2-4 gms. Of dried rhizome OR 10-20 ml of fresh rhizome.

v Bala

Bala is a pack of vata balancing properties and gives strength to our body. Bala is a rasayan herb and repairs the breakdowns of joints to aggravation of vata. It helps in relieving the pain and inflammation of joints. Bala is a very good remedy for proper functioning of nervous system.

You can consume 3-5 gms root powder/whole plant powder OR 10-20 ml juice of whole plant OR 2-4 gms of seeds powder. It has positive effects on arthritis.

v Guggul

Guggul is sweet, sharp, pungent, bitter, unctuous and astringent in nature that helps in regulating the vata dosh. It can be used for external as well as internal purpose. Guggul is an excellent analgesic & anti-inflammatory in its properties. The hot potency of guggul helps in proper regulation of metabolic system. 

Guggul can be consumed 500 mg-1 gm in purified & dried form. It will show positive results to arthritis patients within few days of its use.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Yoga poses to control diabetes

Yoga gives us positive strength. It makes us healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. However, in today’s busy lifestyle it is little tough to manage time for yoga or exercise but not impossible. Get some time for yourself and add yoga into your regular routine. When practice yoga early in the morning, it gives you inner peace and positivity to stay fit.

Yoga improves the metabolic activities of our body which is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Yoga poses helps in the proper functioning of all the organs of our body. Yoga poses helps in the optimal secretion of endocrinal glands that helps insulin in the body to be utilized more effectively. There are few yoga poses that are very helpful for diabetic patients to control their diabetes.

Yoga poses to control diabetes

Ø Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Benefit of Vrikshana- Vrikshasan helps in the stimulation of hormonal secretion of the pancreas.

Method of Vrikshana- To practice this yoga pose, stand straight keeping your feet close to each other. Keep your right foot on your left thigh and try to make right angle. If you feel uncomfortable in keeping your right leg on left thigh then you can keep it on your left knee. The right toe should pint downward and your body balance should depend on your left leg. 

Now join your palms, fingers pointing upwards and bring close to your chest. Slowly raise your hands overhead and your arms needs to be slightly bent. Look straight and try to be in this pose for 10 seconds. Keep on breathing normally.

Now slowly bring your hand at initial position at middle of your chest. Keep your right leg on ground and come back at initial pose. Repeat the same procedure with left leg. Try to practice this yoga pose for 2-3 times with both legs.

Ø Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Benefit of Dhanurasana- This yoga pose helps in improving the functional system of pancreas & intestine and helps to control blood sugar level. The organs such as liver, pancreas & enzyme generating organs start functioning actively with regular practice of dhanurasana.

Method of Dhanurasana- Lie down on your stomach with your arms beside you and keep your feet apart from each other. Now fold

your knees and hold your ankles with your hands. While inhaling, slowly lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up as much as you can. Look straight and feel the stretch.

At this position, your body will look like a bow. Stay into this pose and concentrate on your breath. Continue with taking long deep breaths as you relax in this pose but do not try to overdo the stretch. After few seconds as long as you can hold the pose comfortably, come back to the initial pose while exhaling and keep your legs & chest on the ground. 

Ø Halasana (Plough Pose)

Benefit of Halasana- It helps in stimulating pancreas, spleen & also activates the immune system by massaging our all internal organs. It helps in improving the functions of kidney & liver. It also helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles and gives refreshment to our mind.

Method of Halasana- Lie down straight on your back and keep your arms besides you facing palms downwards. While inhaling, lift your legs vertically off the ground using abdominal muscles. Your legs should make 90-degree-angle at final position. Continue breath normally and support your hips & back with your hand, lift them off the floor.

Now try to sweep your legs in 180-degree-angle over your head so that your feet touch the ground. Your back needs to be perpendicular to the ground. Hold this pose as long as you can comfortably. Now come back to the initial position while exhaling and bring your legs slowly down to the floor. Try to avoid jerking while releasing the pose of Halasana.

Ø Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half-Twist Pose)

Benefits of Ardha-Matsyendrasana- This yoga pose helps in massaging the internal organs such as kidneys, pancreas, small intestine, gall bladder, liver etc. It also helps in stimulating the digestion & excretes out the toxins. It is useful for diabetic patients and improves the elasticity of spine and also tones the spinal nerves.

Method of Ardha-Matsyendrasana- Sit straight on yoga mat and stretch your legs straight on the floor. Now fold you right leg touching the heel of your right leg to the knee of left leg. Bring your right hand to the back of your waist twisting your trunk, spread the palms inside & keep it on the mat. 
Now take your left hand close to your right knee and hold the right ankle with your left hand. Twist your head and shoulder to right side and try look straight to your right shoulder’s back side.

Friday, 8 July 2016

How to maintain hair during monsoon?

In monsoon you might have noticed a little difference in your hair. Your hair become dull & starts losing its shine when the monsoon arrives. It happens because of high moisture in the atmosphere. You need to care your hair a little more to make them healthier, shinier and beautiful. There are few tips that you can try to maintain your hair during monsoon.

How to maintain hair during monsoon?

  • The main reason for your hair becoming dull in monsoon is humidity in the atmosphere. You should give your hair a tea-water & lemons juice rinse after you shampoo your hair. For this, first of all boil used tea leaves in enough water so that after boiling at least 5-6 cups of tea-water left in the vessel. Now leave it till it cools then stain it. After staining, you need to add lemon juice into this and use after shampoo as last rinse.

  • Oiling your hair is very important in monsoon. It helps in treating monsoon hair problems such as dandruff. You should apply essential oil to your hair mixed with rose water & mineral water. Add 5-6 drops of Tea Tree Oil to 100 ml water. Now shake it well and keep in an airtight container or bottle. Apply this solution to your hair after shampoo and leave it like that.

  • You should shampoo your hair frequently during monsoon. Use little shampoo & rinse your hair well with water. If you want to give your hair a shinier look then you can apply a mixture of whisk egg white & lemon juice half-an-hour prior to shampoo.

  • Many people face the problem of bad odour that comes from their scalp during monsoon. To deal with this hair problem, you should wash your hair at least 3 times a week. Rinse properly with water. You can also add ½ a cup of rose water to lemon juice in a mug of water and use it as last rinse after washing your hair.

  • Dandruff is a very common hair problem in monsoon. You should have hot oil treatment to deal with this problem. Heat olive oil and then apply on your scalp with cotton ball. Leave it for overnight. Next day, you need to apply a mixture of lemon juice & apple cider vinegar to your scalp. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash your hair. 

  • To treat with dull hair during monsoon, you can apply a paste of gram flour, ripe papaya & lemon juice. Mix all 3 and make a dripping-free paste. Apply this paste to your hair and leave it for 30-40 minutes. This is a cleansing pack for your hair. Now wash your hair & feel the difference.

Most of us face these hair problems but do not know exactly that “how to maintain hair during monsoon”. In this articles, I have tried to solve almost all your queries about hair problems during monsoon. You should try these home remedies to treat with hair problems during monsoon. 

Thursday, 7 July 2016

How to improve low Haemoglobin count & deficiency of Calcium?

Maintaining good health in today’s fast-pace life has become the most challenging job. Most of us are suffering from deficiency of important components needed for healthy life such as Haemoglobin, Calcium, Iron etc. Now the main point to think about is that “Why this situation arises”. The women & kids have mainly seen suffering from these deficiencies.

A brief intro of Haemoglobin.

Everyone of us has studied in their student’s life that haemoglobin is a vital component of our body. The main function of haemoglobin is to carry oxygen from our lungs to the cells of other organs. Haemoglobin helps the cells in functioning properly by boosting them energy. The normal count of haemoglobin in blood should be 14-18 mg/dl in case of men, whereas for women it should be 12-16 mg/dl.

What are the symptoms of deficiency of calcium & low haemoglobin count?

· Weak bones
· Extreme fatigue
· Sore tongue
· Bruising easily
· Lack of blood clotting
· Lack of concentration
· Fainting spells

The most common reason for low haemoglobin count is nutritional deficiency. However, there are many other reasons such as over-dieting, unhealthy lifestyle and some diseases that cause low counts of haemoglobin in blood.

Increasing haemoglobin counts through natural ways is always a good option. There are various fruits & vegetables that help in increasing the haemoglobin counts. So, let’s try to know something about the benefits of these wonder fruits & veggies.

How to improve low Haemoglobin count & deficiency of Calcium?

Consume Fresh Green Leafy Veggies

When we talk about iron sources, one of the top places is taken by fresh green leafy veggies. Leafy veggies such as spinach, fenugreek etc. provides good amount of iron in your blood and helps in minimizing the symptoms of low-haemoglobin counts.

You should also include lentils (such as daal, rajma etc.), grains (such as barley, rice, bajra etc.) and dry fruits (such as almonds, cashew, dried peaches etc.) in your daily diet to increase the haemoglobin level in blood. 

Fresh Pomegranates & Dates

Pomegranate is not only a yummy fruit but also a rich source of various nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, E, Folic Acid & Iron. It has 3 times higher antioxidants of green tea. You should add pomegranate in your diet because it enhances the supply of iron in blood and helps in increasing the haemoglobin count.

Similar to pomegranate, dates are also delicious and everyone likes the taste of it. It is another great source of iron and many other vital nutrients such as calcium, Vitamin A & B, potassium and magnesium. Dates also improve the energy level.

Healthy Beetroots

Beetroot is highly packed with iron. You can consume beetroot in any form whether it is salad or beetroot juice. One cup of chopped beetroot will boosts you with 1.1 mg of iron. One glass of beetroot for one month shows outstanding results in improving the haemoglobin counts in blood. However, if you do not like beetroot juice or simply plain chopped beetroot then you can prepare a mixed salad with fresh veggies by adding beetroot, cucumber, carrot, onion and lemon.

Have Vitamin C Rich Food

Vitamin C helps in absorbing the iron from food stuff. Haemoglobin deficiency due to Vitamin C can be covered up with proper consumption of Vitamin C. Oranges, strawberries, kiwi, grapes, guava, papaya etc. are good source of Vitamin C. You should add these juicy fruits to your diet to improve the haemoglobin count in blood.

Increase Legumes in Your Diet

All legumes (such as red kidney beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, fava beans) are very good source of iron. You should add legumes in your daily diet to increase the haemoglobin count. 

Intake of Yogurt & Broccoli

Yogurt is a brilliant source of calcium. The 250 gms of fresh & low-fat yogurt can gives you 42% of your daily calcium requirement.

Broccoli is another good source of calcium after dairy products. Apart from calcium, broccoli is packed with many vital nutrients such as Vitamin C and fiber etc. You can have broccoli in the form of salad or pasta.

Add watermelon

Watermelon is a nutritious juicy fruit. It gives refreshing feel especially during summer season. Watermelon is a good source of iron, carbohydrates, Vitamin C & B, protein, potassium etc. Regular consumption of this thirst quenching fruit increases the energy level & stamina. The watermelon juice helps in enhances the haemolgobin counts during pregnancy.

Add Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich package of iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C and zinc. 1/4th cup of pumpkin seeds have 8.6 mg iron contains. You should consume pumpkin seeds on regular basis to fulfill the deficiency of iron in blood flow.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

How to prevent obesity in kids- Few simple tips for parents

Maintaining proper balance is very important for your kids to achieve accurate body weight. The balance should be maintained in the calorie intakes of your kid with the calories utilized through physical activities & normal growth.

The overweight kids should minimize their rate of gaining weight while permitting normal growth & development. It does not mean that you put your kid on weight-decreasing diet, it can harm your kid. However if you want to do this, it is advised to consult a health care provider first. There are few tips given below for parent that will help them to prevent obesity in kids.

How to prevent obesity in kids- Few simple tips for parents

Maintain balance in calories- help in developing the food habits 

As we have discussed above that proper balance in calories intake & utilized plays vital role in your kid’s growth & development, so you need to improve the dietary habits of your kid. Offer him/her healthy food & snacks with an appropriate count of calories. You can do some modifications in their favorite recipe to make them healthier by reducing calorie-rich fascinations. This is an excellent step towards preventing obesity in kids.

· Motivate healthy food habits- allow small modifications

ü Add some veggies, fruits & whole grain products.

ü Add low-fat, non-fat milk or dairy products.

ü Put limitations on the consumption of extra sugar-added beverages, sugar, sodium & saturated fat.

ü Includes lean meats, fishes, lentils, poultry & beans for protein nutrients.

ü Motivate all your family members to drink lot of water.

ü Serve your kid reasonable sized portions.

· Make favorite recipes healthier

You can improvise some of your kid’s favorite dishes to make it healthier by allowing few changes. You can also try to make some new heart-healthy dishes that might be added into his/her favorite list.

· Omit calorie-rich fascinations

Often treats sounds good but there should be a limit for intake of high-fat, high-sugar and salty snacks. There are few easy to prepare tips that will develop the dietary habits of your kid. These are low-fat & low-sugar treats that will help to prevent obesity in kids.

ü 1 cup blueberries

ü A medium sized apple

ü 1 cup grapes

ü A medium sized banana.

ü 1 cup carrot, broccoli or bell peppers with 2 tsp. hummus

· Make your kid understand the benefit of being physically active

ü Reducing blood pressure

ü Enhancing self-esteem

ü Strengthening bones

ü Minimizing stress & anxiety

ü Helps in weight management

· Helps your kid to be active

Kids should involve in moderate-intensity physical activities everyday minimum for 1 hour. In this attempt you have to help your kid to fight against obesity. You start including physical activities in your daily routine and also motivate your kid to be a part of it. Some of the moderate-intensity physical activities are as follows that are helpful for obesity in kids. 

ü Playing tag

ü Playing soccer

ü Dancing

ü Brisk walking

ü Jumping rope

ü Swimming

· Minimize screen time

You also need to limit the time your kid spend on TV, video games, Computer etc. for not exceeding 2 hours. Instead of that, motivate your kid to get involved into fun activities with their family.

Maintain appropriate body weight

Maintaining appropriate body weight is very important for kid to stay healthy & fit. Obesity in kids is the gateway to many health issues. Obesity invites various diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression etc. Hence it is very important that you help your kid to maintain proper weight to be active and healthy always.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

What are the effects or complications involved with obesity in kids?

Obesity in kids is a serious medical condition that can affect your kid physically, mentally, socially & emotionally. Obesity in kids occurs when he/she put on extra weight than average weight of his/her age & height. The obesity in kids can be treated with the help of improved diet and regular exercise. You should encourage your kids to exercise on regular basis. Some of the complications or effects involved with obesity in kids are-

What are the effects or complications involved with obesity in kids?

· Physical effects or complications involved with obesity in kids

Ø High cholesterol & high BP

High cholesterol & high BP is directly related to your kid’s diet. If your kid consumes very poor or unhealthy diet then the chances become strong to develop these severe health issues. Poor diet can cause plaques in the arteries of your kid, as a result of this the arteries become narrow & hard. This can cause heart attacks in future.

Ø Type 2 diabetes

It is a chronic disease that affects the way the body of your kid utilizes sugar. Obesity and your kid’s lifestyle increase the chances of type 2 diabetes disease. 

Ø Asthmatic issues

Asthma is another complication involved with obesity in kids. The chances to develop asthma become stronger if your kid is overweight.

Ø NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)

This disorder generally without any symptoms, causes fatty accumulations to the build up in the liver which can lead to liver damage.

Ø Metabolic syndrome

Well, it is not a disease but a collection of conditions that can increases the chances of severe health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and many others. This collection of conditions involve low HDL (good) cholesterol, high BP, high Blood Sugar, excess abdominal fat, high triglycerides etc.

Ø Sleep disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious disorder in which the kid’s breathing frequently interrupted and begin when he/she sleeps. This can also be a complication of obesity in kids.

Ø Menstruation at early age

The obesity can also cause imbalance in the hormones which can leads to menstruation at early age.

· Mental, social & emotional effects or complications involved with obesity in kids

Ø Low self-esteem & teasing

Kids sometimes bully their overweight classmates or friends who are suffering from low self-esteem. As a result the chances become great for the kid to go on depression. 

Ø Behavioral issues

Overweight kids influenced to have more anxiety and weaker social skills compare to normal weight kids. These problems can lead the overweight kids to behave out & disrupt their surroundings. In some cases, the overweight kids can also be withdrawn socially by normal weight kids.

Ø Depression

The overweight kids generally suffer from low self-esteem and hopeless feelings. As a result of this, the kids move to depression. A depressed kid can lost his/her confidence, shows uninteresting in normal activities, avoid becoming social, keep calm, prefer to be alone and sometimes cry a lot. However, depression is a very serious issue with anyone whether he is a kid or an adult.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Obesity in Kids- What cause it?

Well, heredity and hormones can be a reason for obesity in kids but in most of the cases the causes of obesity in kids are overeating & under-exercising. Kids need extra calories for their growth & development but it does not mean that they start over-eating. This will only accumulate lots of fat instead of energy. Their diet should be in appropriate proportion to boost them up with extra energy. If your kid is having more calories than he/she is burning then the outcome will only be the obesity. Obesity in kids may caused by various factors, such as-

Obesity in Kids- What cause it?

· Dietary habits

Unhealthy diet & eating too much of high-calorie foods stuff (such as fast foods, candies, cookies, chips, baked food etc.) plays vital role for obesity in kids. Having snacks throughout the day without doing any physical activities also cause obesity in kids. The parents are advised to pay special attention to their kids’ diet. They should add healthy food (including fresh vegetable, fruits, milk products etc.) instead of unhealthy food. 

· Lack of calorie burning activities

This is another big reason for obesity in kids. Televisions, computers, laptops, mobile phones, video games etc. have taken the place of physical activities. Now kids love to spend more time on these devices instead of playing outdoor games. In this way, the kids burn only few calories and the result would be “Obesity in Kids”. The parents are advised to manage some time from their busy schedule and enjoy playing outdoor games with their kids. This will build interest in your kids and they will burn more calories doing physical activities.

· Surrounding

If you store unhealthy food stuff (such as chips, pizza, burger, candy bars etc.) in refrigerator or kitchen then your kid will have these options open for him/her what they want to eat. Instead of keeping this kind of unhealthy food, you can keep fresh cut-up fruits, salad, low-fat curd etc. so that when your kid opens up the refrigerator he/she will have these healthy options available to eat. Maintain a good balance in healthy diet and your kid’s wish to eat. 

· Psychological causes

Psychology shows the states of mind. Sometimes kids gain weight due to some psychological factors (such as family problems, negative emotions, stress, anxiety, boredom etc.). They start eating more to cope with these situations. You being parents should always support your kid in any kind of situation. 

· Hereditary causes

Sometimes obesity in kids is hereditary. If a kid has born in a family where people are overweight then the chances are there for the kid to become overweight. The chances become stronger if the kid is more exposed to high-calorie food stuff and not encouraged for physical activities. 

· Medical conditions

However it is rare but there are few hereditary diseases & hormonal disorders that can cause obesity in kids such as Hypothyroidism (related to thyroid gland), Prader-Willi Syndrome (Affected part of brain that controls hunger) and Cushing ’s syndrome (hormonal disorder). 

· Lack of proper sleep

The studies have shown that kids who do not sleep for recommended hours are more likely to become obese. Proper sleep is very important for everyone of us and so for kids as well to stay fit and healthy.