Thursday, 10 March 2016

What should be the diet for High Blood Pressure patients?

Now a day High Blood Pressure has become quite common health issue across the world. If you are the one among those then you must know the causes of High Blood Pressure. There are many factors that increase this health problem such as our lifestyle, daily intakes, work load, body weight etc. Through this article we will try to know that "What should be the diet for High Blood Pressure patients". Before we go ahead let’s have a brief understanding about “what High Blood Pressure is”.

What is High Blood Pressure?

The force of blood flow against the artery walls is known as Blood Pressure. Blood pressure is variable all through the day in case of a normal human being but when it flows with extremity then it is termed as Hypertension or High Blood Pressure.

High Blood Pressure has serious impacts on heart. If it is not treated with complete care then it may cause heart attack as well. High Blood Pressure means high flow of blood through the arteries which can also harm few organs such as brain, kidney, eyes etc.

Well, you can control your blood pressure with little more control on your dietary habits. High Blood Pressure patient have to be very careful about their food habits. Some of the studies have shown that less-sodium & high potassium whole grains, dairy products, lean meat, fish & poultry, fresh fruits & vegetables help in controlling the Blood Pressure and also strengthen the pumping system of your heart. Let’s have a look to healthy diet for High Blood Pressure patients. 

What should be the diet for High Blood Pressure patients?

Diet for High BP patient
Servings per day
Less-fat milk products
2-3 servings/day
Whole grains
6-8 servings/day
Fats intake
2-3 spoons of oil/day
Sugar intake
5 spoons or low/day
Fresh fruits & vegetables
8-10 servings/day
Lean meat, poultry or fish
6 ounces or low/day
Healthy nuts, seeds & legumes
4-5 servings/day

This is a basic plan of diet for High Blood Pressure patients in general. You can do some changes as per your requirement of daily intake & servings (it may be less or more varying person to person). The High Blood Pressure patients can control their BP by following this diet habit quite simply.

Maintain body weight

The body weight has direct impacts on Blood Pressure, hence it is very important that you maintain healthy body weight. You should maintain a balance between your daily calorie intake and physical activities. You can also take the help of your doctor to know your “requirement for daily calorie intake”.

Control your alcohol intake habits

It is another factor that increases the chances of High Blood Pressure because uncontrolled intake of alcohol par day hikes the Blood Pressure. You need to limit your alcohol intake. For women it can be one drink per day and in case of men it can be two drinks per day but not more than that for both. If you can stop taking alcohol completely then it will be a win-win situation to lower your High Blood Pressure.

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