Saturday, 6 August 2016

What are the complications involved with Dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when we lose excess fluid than our intake and our body does not have enough fluid to perform normal functions. If we do not replace the lost fluid from our body then we get dehydrated. There are many complications may caused due to dehydration. Let’s have a look on few complications may caused due to dehydration. 

Complications involved with Dehydration

May lead to heat injury

It is very important that we drink enough fluid during workout, if we do not do so then it may cause heat injury. Scarcity of fluid in our body may also lead to some serious issues such as from mild heat cramps to heat exhaustion or potential life-threatening heatstroke. Doing exercise everyday is a very good habit no doubt but do not forget to replace the amount of fluid lost from your body. 

May cause cerebral edema (Swelling of brain)

In some cases it happens that when you are getting liquid again after being dehydrated, your body tries to pull excess fluid back into the cells. This may leads to swelling in some cells. The consequences may be severe when the brain cells swells up. 

May lead seizures

Electrolyte (such as Potassium & Sodium) is a very important component that carries electrical signals from one cell to another. If you have imbalanced electrolytes composition then the normal electrical messages can be mixed up which may cause involuntary muscle contractions or in some cases may also lose consciousness. 

May cause hypovolemic shock (Low blood volume shock)

Low blood volume shock is one of the most severe complications of dehydration. In some cases it may become life-threatening complication as well. This situation occurs when low blood volume lead to decrease in blood pressure & also decreases the amount of oxygen in our body.

May lead to Kidney failure

This is one more serious health issue may caused by dehydration. Kidney failure due to dehydration may happen when our kidney is not able to remove excess fluid & wastes from the body.

Sometimes may cause coma & death

If dehydration is not treated properly on time, it may cause serious health issues. Sometimes in severe cases the patient may go into coma and sometimes may cause death also.

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