Monday, 28 August 2017

What are the Symptoms of Cancer?

Cancer causes various changes in the body, as it grows and finally shows its symptoms. Cancer can affect the body in various ways, for example-
·         It can cause a lump in the affected area
·         It can press the tissues or organs or even can stop them from proper functioning
·         It can also produce substances that can change the body functioning.

The person having cancer may notice the above mentioned changes in his/her body. The symptoms of cancer are the problems which a person can face such as tiredness, notice a lump, fatigue, having pain etc.

 Notifying the symptoms of cancer

There are some cancers that cause symptoms at early stage, whereas others do not cause symptoms until it has grown to maximum. The cancers that detected at early stage are easy to treat. The cancer symptoms depend on the type of it. For example-

·         Symptom of breast cancer can be a lump in breast
·         Symptom of bowel cancer can be noticed from diarrhea or constipation
·         Cough can be a symptom of lung cancer

If you are also facing these problem (cough, diarrhea, constipation or lump etc.), it does not mean that these are the symptoms caused by cancer. Rather you should go to a doctor and do tests to confirm whether the symptom is caused by a cancer or it is just because of normal illness.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

What is Cancer?

Our body has billions of cells. When the old cells die, young cells divide to form new cells. This process continues in our body million times in a day. Now you might think that what makes the cancer situation? Cancer happens when some cells in our body shows abnormality, multiply out of control and take over from normal cells in the area.

These abnormal cells don not behave as the normal cells do. These cells grow & divide much faster as compare to normal cells and also live for longer time. Slowly, when the time passes our body creates more & more abnormal cells that begin to outnumber normal cells in the area. These cells increase out of control & form a Cancer.

The Cancer treatments are designed in such a way that it stops or slow down the process of making more & more abnormal cells. These treatments work by removing the abnormal cell, killing these cells from growing & dividing much faster.

Types of Cancer

·         Blood Cancer
·         Breast Cancer
·         Brain cancer
·         Skin cancer
·         Lung Cancer

Different groups of Cancer

·         Solid Tumours

This type of cancer includes quite common cancers such as Breast cancer, Bowel Cancer & Lung Cancer. A tumour is a lump or swelling. It does not mean that all tumours are cancers. The Benign tumours are not cancers, whereas Malignant tumours are cancers.

·         Blood Cancers

This type of cancer affects blood, bone marrow or lymphatic system. This type of cancer does not form solid tumours in the area where it starts. Most of these cancers start in bone marrow where blood cells are generated. Their cells increase within blood. These cells stop the normal blood cells from functioning properly.

Stages of Cancer

Staging of cancer is nothing but to measure the cancer that how far it has spread when it has diagnosed first. Measuring the stage of cancer helps the doctors to do the treatment accordingly. There are different systems of measuring stages of different types of cancers but generally they use these two types-

·         Numbered Cancer Stage System

This system uses stage numbers to identify how far the cancer has spread. These numbered stages are-
ü  Stages 0 (In Situ)
ü  Stage 1 (Localised Cancer)
ü  Stage 2 & 3 (Regional Spread)
ü  Stage 4 (Distant Spread)
·         TNM System
TNM system means Tumour Lymph Nodes Metastases. This helps in measuring the stage of cancer by knowing how far it has spread in the body.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers

There was a time when mothers were using cloth diapers. After some time the disposable diapers came into existence and mothers switch to disposable diapers. These diapers were quite convenient to use. When the time passes some mothers feel that there are few drawbacks of disposable diapers as well. Both the diapers (disposable and cloth) have advantages and disadvantages.

The cloth diapers provide softness to your baby’s skin. It works fabulous until you change when it gets dirty. The baby may get cold if he/she stays for long time in wet cloth diaper because there is no absorbent gel in it. It cannot protect baby’s skin from getting in contact with liquid but yes, it definitely gives soft feeling and comfort to baby’s skin until it gets wet. 

On the other hand, the disposable diapers have the capacity to deal with much amount of liquid because of the absorbent gel present in it. The baby can easily spend some hours in disposable diapers without any kind of discomfort. The disposable diapers protect your baby’s skin from liquid and keep the liquid in depth into the gel layers. It can keep the baby’s skin drier for long time. Now a day, there are breathable diapers available in the market which allows the air flow into baby’s skin. If you are using a particular brand of disposable diapers and your baby gets rashes then you should try some other brand.

Which one is better cloth diaper or disposable diaper?

The disposable diapers are safer in terms of protecting baby’s skin from liquid but some babies may get irritated because of absorbent chemicals used in it. Your baby will feel soft in cloth diapers but it enhances the risk of getting rashes if the baby spends too much time in wet diapers.

Many people think that using disposable diapers are very expensive, hence they prefer to use cloth diapers. This is not true because the costs of using both the diapers are equal. The laundering services costs you almost same as you spend on the purchase of disposable diapers. 

Today the mother prefers to use disposable diapers due to its easy to use quality and it is more convenient for them as well. Cloth diapers are very complicated due to its folds, horrible pins etc. Using disposable diapers are easy to use and easy to remove method. 

In the manufacturing of disposable diapers various types of materials get used such as trees, plastic etc. If we consider the process of washing procedure of cloth diapers (as clean water and energy to be used) then disposable diapers are best. The baby’s skin is very soft and the disposable diapers minimize the risk to infection. During travelling also the disposable diapers are far better than cloth diapers. If you use cloth diapers during travelling then there is a huge problem of laundry service every time.

However every mother has her own experience of using diapers. Some prefer to use cloth diapers due to its softness and some prefer to use disposable diapers due to its liquid absorbent quality.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

When my baby starts crawling?

Every parent eagerly waits for their baby to start crawling. Crawling is a very good exercise for your baby’s physical development. It is heart touchy experience for all the parents to see their little one crawling. However at the beginning you might have to push your baby but after some time he can manage it by himself. Crawling is a big achievement for babies as they have taken their first move towards independent mobility.

When your baby crawl, his self-esteem will increased as he is boosted up with positivity to accomplish his journey from point A to point B. Your baby will come across various exciting discoveries during his crawling period. Slowly he starts practicing much tougher movements and learns standing with support, walking and at last running. It is good to have carpet at home because it gives little rest to your baby soft knees due to hard floor. 

When will a baby start crawling?

Generally babies start crawling between 6 to 10 months. However some babies skip the crawling stage completely and directly moved into stage of standing with support, walking and running. You
can encourage your baby for crawling by supervising him to tummy time. Tummy time helps your baby to lift his head and move to look around. This exercise will help your baby to gain strength in his arms, shoulders, neck and core. When a baby kicks his feet through his tummy, it helps in strengthening his hips and legs. You can make your baby ready for crawl by doing various interesting exercises. For example- You can keep your baby’s favourite toy just out of his reach or you can lie down just in front of him and grab his attention and play with him. 

What happens to baby’s development when crawl?

Crawling is a job in which your baby needs physical strength to perform it. Your baby has to use both his mind and body to crawl. Hence it is very important that your baby’s arms, shoulders, neck, back and core are quite strong to support his body weight so that he can maintain balance while crawling. The vision of your baby also plays vital role in crawling. The babies use their binocular vision while crawling which means they make use of their both eyes together to focus on anything while crawling. The mental muscles of your baby also do workout while crawling. The babies also develop navigation and memorizing abilities during crawling period.

Various crawling patterns 

Ø Classic cross crawl 

In this crawling style your baby stand at first on his palm of one hand and knee of opposite leg then alternate to move forward. The alternate usage of arms is sitting up neural pathway to work effectively for moving forward.

Ø Crab crawl 

When a baby crawls in backward or sideways movement, it is known as crab style crawling movement. Crab crawling phase is where in babies crawl until they learn forward movement.

Ø Bear crawl 

This is same as classic crawl style, there is only one difference. The baby keeps his limbs and legs straight which looks like bear. Bear crawling style needs great strength in arms and legs, hence the chances are great that your baby will stand up on his legs quite early.

Ø Bottom scoot

In bottom scoot crawling style a baby sit down on his rear and make use of his limbs to move forward. Many babies crawl in bottom scoot style.

Ø Lopsided crawl movement

If your baby is little stronger on one side as compared to other side (suppose he is strong on right side) then he may crawl little lopsided towards right side while crawling. 

Ø Commando or belly crawl movement 

In this crawling style the baby tries to move forwards but he take support by keeping his belly on surface. In this way he is improving his core strength to lift his belly and slowly will be able to crawl in classic cross way.

Ø One handed crawl movement

There are some babies who do not get interested in moving but still they want to do few things by their own. These kinds of babies develop their own crawling style as per their adjustment known as one-handed crawl. They will start crawling with one arm open and other arm use to grip whatever object they can’t bring by them to leave behind. 

Ø Rolling crawl

When a baby reaches at his desires destination through rolling instead of using his limbs and legs, it is known as rolling crawl movement. The baby may move quite fast through rolling crawl.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Is Your Child A Late Bloomer?

When a child takes too much time in going through puberty stage then he/she child is known as a late bloomer. A late bloomer’s skills and abilities are not as developed as others. The experts says that if the breast development does not happen in a girl or the testicular development does not happen in a boy by the age of 14 then this may be concerned with late bloomer stage.

The term late bloomer define a child whose catching power is little slower as compare to normal children, hence develops little slower. Sometimes the parents get worried about their child for late blooming. Those parents can clear their worries by evaluating their child from an experienced doctor to make sure whether the child is normal or not.

Why some children become late bloomer as compare to other children?

The constitutional growth delay is the basic reason for a child being late bloomer. Although heredity
plays a vital role for a child to become late bloomer. If a child’s mother or father was a late bloomer in his/her childhood then the chances are there for the child becoming late bloomer.

If your child is behind his/her classmates then it does not mean that you will make a perception that your child is a late bloomer. It is just a situation that your child needs little more time to develop as compare to his/her classmates.

What parents should do to make sure that their child is normal?

Well, a great idea to make sure the normality of your child is to take him/her to a doctor. The doctor will completely examine to assure you about the normality of your child by doing some simple tests.

Generally the paediatricians perform “bone age test” to determine the age of bone. In this test the doctor take an X-ray of the hands of your child to get the actual bone age. For example- if a child is 14 years old and is a late bloomer then the “bone age test” will show his/her bone age like a 12 years old child. It means the child has much growth to develop.Many times it happens that the late bloomers will start growing whereas their classmates having normal bone age stop growing.

What should parents do if they are worried about their kid’s development?

If you are also worried about your child’s development then fix an appointment with your doctor. Although there is nothing to worry (almost like 9 times out of 10), at last your child will grow. If
something goes wrong (such as thyroid problem or hormonal issues) the doctor will pick it up and do the treatment accordingly.

Mostly the late bloomer issue is concerned with the hormonal problems. Hence, it is very important that parents also take good care of their own growth and development. When you take your child to doctor who is a late bloomer, the doctor will assess him/her at very first step in terms of heredity issues.

The diet also plays an important role in your child’s growth and development. It is very important that your child have healthy diet everyday which includes vegetable, grains, milk, leafy vegetables, eggs etc.

What are the realities about being late bloomers?

v  The late bloomers feel awkward in taking compliments from anyone. It happens because they have never learned that how to respond on compliments.

v  Mostly if anyone stares at you for much time, you start assuming that there is something definitely wrong in your face.

v  Generally the late bloomers avoid people who make comment about their improvement.

v  Sometimes people whisper with their friend looking at you, you start assuming that they are making fun of you.

v  If you accept anyone’s invitation for hanging out and eventually get surprised that it’s a date.

v  The late bloomers gets very aggrieved when they listen people are criticizing a person’s looks and personality.

v  The late bloomers take less time in dressing up as compare to normal children because they have not saw the point in taking much time in dressing up.
v  The late bloomers can easily recognize the people who are also late bloomers like you and they have immediate empathy with them.

v  If a late bloomer have transformed in terms of losing weight then everyone would grant to discuss about how they admire her/him for being healthy. The late bloomer might feel quite freaked out to see how everyone is behaving so nice with him/her.

v  Slowly everyone starts behaving nice with late bloomer staring from his/her maid to strangers and even the family as well. In this way the late bloomer will feel more cynical than his/her friends who were not unattractive.

v  The most important thing about late bloomers is that they give preference to inner beauty than looks and also appreciate other people as well.