Monday, 31 October 2016

What are the remedies to treat snoring naturally?

Many of us are a bit confused in understanding snoring, their question is that “Is snoring a disease or a habit”. Snoring belongs to different age group. You must have seen few examples of snorers who belong to different age groups, different lifestyle, different environment and different work culture. Snoring disturbed the social and personal life of snorers. Snoring is not just a habit but it is a disease and may effects your body & mind. 

Risk factors involved in snoring

· Breathing interruptions

In snoring the patient may feel interruptions in breathing that may lasts from a few seconds to minutes during sleep caused through partial or total blockage of airways.

· May wake up frequently from sleep

The snorer may also wake up from sleep due to snoring habit, even though he/she may not realize it.

· Light & poor sleep due to interruptions

Interrupted sleep & frequent waking interferes the normal sleep of the snorer. This will leads to drowsiness for whole day & as a result will hamper your quality of work & life both.

· Strain on heat

Prolonged habit of snoring sometimes can cause high blood pressure problem & also may cause enlargement of heart including the risks of heart attacks & strokes. 

Home remedies to treat snoring naturally

· Cardamom

Cardamom is a very good expectorant that helps in clearing the blocked air passages to give easy breathing.

o Mix half tsp of cardamom powder to a glass of water and have it before 30 minutes prior going to sleep.

o Practice this everyday to get relief from snoring gradually.

· Peppermint oil

Peppermint has anti-inflammatory property, hence helps in easy & smooth breathing. Peppermint is a very good remedy for snoring problem.

o You just need to add ½ drops of peppermint oil to a glass of water and gargle with it before you sleep. Continue this until you observe positive results.

o If you are suffering from snoring due to dry air & congestion then you may add few drops of peppermint oil to a humidifier and turn it on at least 30 minutes prior going to bed. Leave it overnight. This will help to open up your airways and gives relief from snoring. 

o You can even rub a small pinch of peppermint oil at the lower portion of your nostrils before you go to sleep.

· Turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic & antibiotic properties that work as a remedy to treat snoring. It should be used with milk to get expected results. 

o Add little amount of turmeric powder to a glass of milk and boil it.

o Drink it half-an-hour before you go to sleep.

o Do this on daily basis to treat snoring problem.

· Olive oil

Olive oil is another excellent anti-inflammatory agent that clears the respiratory passage for easy breathing. You should use this remedy to get relief from snoring.

o You should take 2/3 sips of olive oil everyday before you go to sleep.

o Add half tsp of olive oil to half tsp of honey and have it everyday before you go to sleep.

· Chamomile

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat snoring. It also helps to ease tense muscles and nerves area near the throat.

o You just need to add 1 tsp of chamomile flowers to a cup of water. And boil it for 15 minutes.

o Now stain it & add 1 tsp of honey and drink it warm before you go to sleep. 

· Nettle

If you suffer from snoring at a particular time in a year then it may be seasonal allergy causing nasal air ways inflammation. This is a kind of temporary snoring than can be treated with nettle leaves.

o Add 1 tsp of dried nettle leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for at least 5 minutes.

o Now stain it and drink just before you go to sleep.

· Steam

Nasal congestion is the core reason that causes snoring. Inhaling steam is one of the brilliant solutions to get relief from congestion.

o Take hot water in a large bowl and mix ¾ drops of eucalyptus oil.

o Now cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam deeply through your nostrils for about 8-10 minutes.

o Do this on daily basis before you go to sleep.

· Garlic

Garlic is an excellent remedy for snoring because it helps in minimizing the mucus build-up in the nasal air ways and also inflammation in the respiratory system. 

o You should chew ½ raw garlic cloves and then drink a glass of water. Do this before you go to sleep.

o Along with this also use garlic while cooking.

· Clarified butter

Clarified butter (also termed as ghee) is a very good remedy to clear your blocked airways. Thus, it works as a remedy to treat snoring and gives you better sleep.

o Take small amount of lukewarm clarified butter and pour 2/3 drops into each nostril.

o Continue this on daily basis before you go to sleep at night and then next day after you wake up in the morning.

· Honey

Honey is another good remedy to treat snoring. It helps in reducing the swelled area near throat. It also acts as a lubricant for throat that protects snoring vibrations to occur.

o Mix a tsp of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it before you go to sleep.

o You can also add honey in place of sugar to sweeten the herbal tea and drink it after the dinner.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

What are the natural remedies to prevent Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease which occurs due to low bone density. There can be various reasons for which you may suffer from Osteoporosis. The bone density mostly started getting lower after the age of 30 or 40 but you can prevent yourself from Osteoporosis with the consumption of healthy food. Here we have listed some of the important and healthy food that will help in preventing Osteoporosis. 

What are the natural remedies to prevent Osteoporosis?

· Eggs, enriched with vitamins

Eggs are an ideal food to prevent osteoporosis. Eggs contains good amount of vitamin D, E, K, B6 & A, calcium, phosphorous, folate & selenium. Eggs are also good source of protein which protects our bones from osteoporosis. Vitamin D present in eggs helps to control genes involved in making estrogen. Phosphorous content of eggs make our bones healthy & strong. 

· Fruits & vegetables

There are various fruits (such as apples, cherries, oranges, strawberries etc.) & vegetables (such as beets, red potatoes, red peppers etc.) that help in preventing osteoporotic symptoms. The nutrients present in these fruits & vegetables make our bones strong & healthy and also lower the rate of fractures. Vitamin C works as antioxidants and prevent against free radical damages. 

· Fish, rich source of calcium

Fish is a great source of calcium, hence is a perfect food for osteoporosis. Everyone knows that calcium is a vital component needed for healthy bones. The calcium enriched fishes are Sardines & Canned Salmon. The tiny bones present in these fishes are the main source of calcium. Other vegetarian sources of calcium include sesame seeds, kale, white beans, oranges, almonds, blackstrap molasses etc.

· Almonds, to get healthy bones

Almond is a healthy diet that is enriched with manganese, vitamin E, copper, riboflavin and biotin etc. Almonds keep the bones strong and also improve the density of bones. You should include almonds in your diet to prevent osteoporosis. Along with osteoporosis, almonds also minimize cholesterol level, provide healthy fats, reduce the chances of heart attack & protect artery walls from breakdowns. 

· Cabbage, to get strong bones

You should include cabbage in your diet to make your bones healthy & strong. Cabbage is a good source of fiber, vitamin D, folate & vitamin B6 and many other minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorous. There are different types of cabbage available such as cannonball cabbage, choy sum, January king cabbage, Portugal cabbage, savoy cabbage, winningstadt cabbage, bok choy, early jersy wakefield cabbage and walking stick cabbage. 

· Yogurt, good source of nutrients

Yogurt has been noted to reduce the issues involved with osteoporosis. Yogurt is derived from milk, hence it is a rich source of protein & other essential nutrients such as vitamin B2, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D & vitamin B12 etc. At the stage of menopause, the reduced level of estrogen may cause bone loss, hence to keep the bones healthy our body primarily needs vitamin D & calcium. 

· Banana, good source of calcium & other essential nutrients

Banana is another healthy food to prevent osteoporosis. Banana is a rich source of vitamin A, C & E, carbohydrates, zinc, natural oils, potassium & iron. Consumption of banana on regular basis helps our body to absorb calcium and other essential nutrients that keeps the bones healthy. Banana not only makes our bones healthy & strong but also prevents from cancer, lower depressions, diabetes etc. 

· Milk, rich source of important nutrients

Regular consumption of milk minimizes the risk of osteoporosis. Milk & dairy products are the primary source of calcium along with magnesium, carbohydrate, phosphorous, protein, potassium, folate, selenium, fat, sodium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, B, C, D & E etc. Milk makes our bone healthy & strong. Milk also prevents our body from muscle pain, hypertension, chronic fatigue etc. It also helps in preventing premature aging, increases the glow on face, remove stains from face, heal wounds, soften our skin etc. 

· Beans, good source of important nutrients

Beans are one of the best diets for osteoporosis. Beans are enriched with vitamin D, fiber, calcium, antioxidants and many other important nutrients. Bones helps in repairing & maintaining the bones. The nutrients present in beans also helps in DNA synthesis, formation of leukocytes & erythrocytes, development of RBCs, amino acid metabolism etc.